Wednesday, November 5, 2008

you like my man obama?

So you think you live in an obama city, state, or now country? dude! catch up! i live on an obama CONTINENT.
Ok, sorry, just had to get that out. i know i'm still behind on telling you about some of my adventures, but i dont think that in a few weeks, you'll want to hear anything more about the elections!
So first off, yes, i voted via absentee ballot and the embassy. So i'm also assuming that you all have heard about how wildly popular obama is here in africa. we've been barraged with obama gear since our first days here - from bracelets to shirts filled with his face (with "ghana" written on the bottom) to signs and random people on the street asking us if we support him. Well, most of our group is from california, and we're all students so we havent run into much trouble...haha... there are SOME mccain supporters here, generally the ones who know more about the issues and realized that he is much much more in line with their social beliefs, but i also believe that some of them are just trying to be cool/different, and some are trying to see if we'll mention anything about the candidates' race in the process.....
in terms of state elections, i really had to do some research (aka read the pamphlet and talking to people at home) to figure out some things, and even then didnt entirely.... but in a lot of ways i'm really happy i wasnt in california- i know things got pretty emotional sometimes, especially on the big issues, but i was able to not get caught up in the arguments! i also didnt mention either of the 2 big props to ghanaians - both abortion and being gay are illegal, and completely accepted as the right decision- the fact that we would have prop 4 and 8 would get all those obama supporters confused again....haha
anyway, so this whole 8 hr time difference was NOT conducive to watching coverage, but somehow we all went somewhere (oh, ya, we ARE still in ghana= i dont ever know where we are!) i think where the NYU students are? to watch the election results, beginning with the bus ride over after 9pm.... the first bus to the place was full, but we ended up getting on the 2nd with a bunch of commonwealth boys (the all-boys/frat-like hall), having to stand bc there were so many of us, and the c-wealth boys SANG the ENTIRE way, mostly in twi, but it was SUPER fun because everyone was SO excited! turns out it was a HUGE event, with a really large screen projecting CNN, and a bar/lounge area with more regular tvs.... it was SO exciting to hear all the projections come in, and everyone (several hundred people, probably about 70% students/under 30) cheered like crazy - and when they asked for mccain supporters, i dont think they found more than 10 or so haha....either that or they wouldnt admit it anymore!
It was fairly frustrating tho because the first polls didnt close until 11pm our time, and they didnt make final projections until 4 am! after cheering when the annalyst projected obama's win in california (duh, but we had to show our state pride!) after he got ohio (around 3-3:30?) and essentially clinched it, but that was cool with me! didnt really sleep much bc i got up early to check the props, but didnt get very definitive answers (boooo!) and now its time for lecture, and its our last one for this class, so i really need to go!!
ps its our last 2 weeks of classes- how crazy is that?
much love from obama-land....!

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